Potential Transactions

From:To:Receiving Agent's Offering (Package 1):Receiving Agent's Offering (Package 2):ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Other:Submitting Agent's Offer (Package 1):Submitting Agent's Offering (Package 2):I'm a:Terms and Conditions:
#123 Jason Dillard#547 Phillip GravesInterestedWill your seller make this free and clear for right deal?
#539 Michael Fernandez#136 Monte L. FroehlichInterested
#301 Blake Allen#164 Tyler NepoteTakerThis is a test to see if the potential transactions work. I doubt it because it does not give us a way to pick the packages form this screen

Let me know if you get this.
#164 Tyler Nepote#163 Bryan NealPackage, Mini Backup PackageTaker
#547 Phillip Graves#158 Jason MittmanTakerNote as the down owner carry the rest at terms to be negotiated. I'd like to know more about the property.
#112 Larry S. Browning#965 Wesley Paul OdlePackageTakerJV development of your lot and we take your cash into new apartment we are developing in Franklin, IN with high teens IRR returns.
#108 Ted J. Blank#502 Leigh Anne AhrTaker
#108 Ted J. BlankTaker
#536 Brian Estes#536 Brian EstesPath to cash houses in CO. Balance with paper
#108 Ted J. Blank#595 Jeremiah PhillipsBalance w Paper
#108 Ted J. Blank#536 Brian EstesTakerCo house at $1.5 plus Cash to Balance. The house should sell for all Cash this summer.
#502 Leigh Anne AhrTed Blank is representing Jason M on this proposal. Ski Condo plus $151,000 Cash. The Condo should go to cash this summer. Ted Blank
#164 Tyler Nepote#301 Blake AllenPackage, Full Backup PackageTaker
#301 Blake Allen#595 Jeremiah PhillipsFull Backup PackageTakerbs
#108 Ted J. Blank#502 Leigh Anne AhrTakerBalance with cash
103- Stephen D. BarkerPackageInterestedLet's Talk
600- Sam Ray130- Jon EnglandInterested
134- Steve Fithian572- Jason LaurentPackageTakerMy Amarillo City Block, free and clear, plus $200,000 cash for your warehouse in Cherryvale, KS.
134- Steve Fithian572- Jason LaurentPackageTakerCommercial lot in Saint Johns, MI plus $1.1M in cash for your office warehouse in Kansas.

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