Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Society of Exchange Counselors?

Founded in 1961, the Society of Exchange Counselors is a dedicated group of professional commercial real estate brokers, experienced in counseling clients on acquiring or disposing of investment properties. These skilled real estate brokers use dynamic and effective methods of marketing, exchange and sales of properties to extract the highest income and tax advantages available. Many of our members have transacted business together for over a decade. A special bond exists among our members, which has made the Society a unique business network. The quality of these relationships cause transactions to be made that otherwise might have been unlikely.


How often does the Society hold meetings?

The Society conducts six national invitational marketing conferences each year, and one Business Symposium. The purpose of these conferences is to permit our members and their guests to meet and transact business. Those attending are among the most outstanding investment brokers in North America. Regardless of where or when the Society convenes, of paramount importance to all Society members, is that of marketing and as a source of money making ideas and opportunities.


Where does the Society hold meetings?

Meetings are held in various cities throughout the United States and Canada. In addition, marketing meetings have been scheduled in interesting places such as Hawaii, Cancun, Tahiti, and on a Caribbean cruise ship.


How can a guest attend a meeting?

A guest must be invited by a current member of the Society. If you are a licensed broker and you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact the S.E.C. Office or a member.


How does one become a member?

Membership in the Society is by invitation only. Members are selected based on their integrity, competence and creative real estate transaction ability. Members are selected by a peer vote. This system of peer selection has provided the Society with members of unusual talent and qualities in real estate practice and education.

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